Music Ministries

Tommy Bishop


Here at Grace United Methodist Church, music is viewed as a hopeful, joyful, and meaningful avenue of worship. Music is integrated into every worship service and is held in high esteem. From our beautiful Casavant pipe organ, played by Organist and Choirmaster Tommy Bishop, to our hardworking Chancel Choir and Bells of Grace, we provide different ways for all people - regardless of skill and ability -  to be involved in our music ministry.

Grace United Methodist Church (GUMC) Music Ministry invites you to participate!

We hope that one of the groups below will fit your schedule and your gifts. Our music ministry group is looking forward to hearing from you!


Grace UMC Chancel Choir

     You are invited to join the Grace United Methodist Church (GUMC) Chancel Choir. This dedicated group of adults provides music for the 11:00 a.m. traditional worship service each Sunday from August to June.   The Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:45 p.m. in the choir room.  The Chancel Choir rehearses from late August through June each year. 

    You are never too young and definitely never too old to join the choir. The choir welcomes anyone interested in joining them in singing for the Lord. Come out to practice one Wednesday evening and give it a try! You will be amazed!           

     Tommy and our Chancel Choir want to say "thank you" to those that provided special music during the worship service in the months of July and August. They were the Adult Sunday School classes and Bob Love, Rev. Melvyn Cooke, Sally Summers, Tommy Bishop, Nancy Kennedy and Tommy Bishop, Richard Cobb, and Susan Lawson. Performances on the piano or the singing of an anthem were beautifully done and greatly enjoyed by the congregation. Grace is blessed to have so many members willing to share their musical talents.

 Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our wonderful choir and its ministries.


1 Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous;

it is fitting for the upright to praise Him.

2 Praise the Lord with the harp;

make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre.

3 Sing to Him a new song;

play skillfully, and shout for joy.

 Psalm 33:1-3


Bells of Grace Handbell Choir

Handbell choirs are available for  youth and adults of any age.  Highlights include ringing for worship for special presentations.  Handbell practice sessions are held on Sunday afternoons at 5:45pm. Please join this wonderful opportunity for music fellowship.


*Bells of Grace resume practice on Sunday, September 22 at 6:15 pm.


Pipe Organ Additions Complete

When our Casavant pipe organ console was renovated during the summer of 2011, it was wired for 3 additional stops to be completed at a later date. The estimate that we had in January 2015 to complete these stops with the necessary new pipe work was around $53,000. The Trustees and Church Council voted to put this project on hold for at least 3 years because of more pressing renovation issues around the church.

This past fall, Michael Proscia, our organ tuner/technician from Bowdon, Georgia, contacted Tommy Bishop and said that he had located the 2 ranks of pipes that we needed to complete these additions. These pipes were from an early 1970’s Reuter pipe organ (still in good condition) which he had serviced for many years. This organ was being dismantled, and he told Tommy that he would be willing to donate the pipes needed, if our church would pay the cost for labor/installation and other materials which would be $7,000. The Church Council voted to proceed with this project immediately as a result of the tremendous savings due to Michael Proscia’s generous offer! Michael and his helper, George, began with this work with several visits to Union during November, December, and January. The additions are now complete and include the installation of 134 additional pipes with chests, wind lines, wind reservoir, an additional blower to power the 2 ranks of pipes, 3 engraved stop rocker tabs, additional circuit boards (unit chest drivers) inside the console, and some complicated electrical wiring under the choir loft floor from the organ console to the pipe chambers. The 3 additional stops include a Flute 8 (extension of Subbass 16) for the Pedal division, and an Erzahler Celeste 8 and a Trompette 8 for the Great division. Also, at Tommy’s request, Michael installed a Cymbelstern, operated by a thumb piston, which provides the sound of tinkling bells. This device was also from a previous organ, so there was no additional cost. A reversible thumb piston was also installed to transfer the Trompette 8 from the Great division to the Swell division if desired. Now the organ has 24 stops instead of the original 21 and 30 ranks with 1,610 pipes instead of the original 28 ranks with 1,476 pipes. Our Casavant pipe organ was installed during the summer of 1968 at a cost of $35,900 and now, 48 years later, is valued at over $500,000! For more details or for a demonstration of these additions, please contact Tommy Bishop. .


Chancel Choir Rehearsal


Wed.,    Sept. 4 6:00 PM

Weds.,  Sept. 11 6:00 PM

Weds.   Sept. 18 6:00 PM

Weds.,  Sept. 25 5:00 PM (Before Family Night Supper)